As a tarot reader sometimes we think that we have nothing left to learn, and that we have everything in hand. Keep reading for details on a spread you should try regularly to grow.
When it comes to learning to read the tarot, the Daily Draw is a spread that everyone should try. Keep reading to unlock the magic of this simple spread. You got a new tarot deck - but where do you start? A deck interview of course! It is a simple six card spread that allows you to meet your new tarot deck and get to know it. It's strengths and weaknesses. It's personality. Read more to see how to really connect with your deck. Tarot cards are shuffled and laid out in any number of Tarot spreads. The best known spread is the 11-card Celtic Cross, but there are countless other Tarot spreads you can choose depending on what type of question you want to ask and how many cards you wish to draw. Click read more to learn the basics of tarot spreads.
Eva Sawyer24 years of tarot experience, 20 years experience as a mom, and a lifetime of knowledge is just rattling around in here!