When Doreen Virtue turned her back on the tarot/oracle community a few years back her Past Lives deck was essentially the only one on the market. In her absence a few past life decks have come to the community. This review touches on the tarot deck created by Red Orchid Publishing.
I admit it - I am a bit behind the trend... I had the deck originally when it came out, but circumstances had me rehoming several decks for a bit of extra cash. I recently re-purchased the deck from Taroteca Studios and I wanted to share my thoughts on this deck in case you were on the fence about it.
If you are anything like me, you knew you were only cool in school if you had Lisa Frank stuff. And even if you didn't grow up in the 90s there is a really good chance that you know who Lisa Frank is. Her trademark hot pinks, purples, teal, lime greens and yellow are unmistakable. Keep reading for more on this amazing deck, and how to get your hands on a copy. Zia Fox Studios (previously Tiamat Designs) was started in 2015. Here is the lenormand deck that started it all! Earlier this month my 5 year old daughter shocked me by asking if she could have her own deck of tarot cards. We already sit and talk about the meanings of different cards, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. She also is very adept at caring for our altars, and clearly has a love for the path we follow in this house. So I set about looking for a deck that might be child friendly - and I found Happy Tarot! Check out our first impressions below. Have you been on the fence about the Witches Tarot? Let me help you pick a side with my review of this interesting deck. Keep reading for more... I'm sure everyone out there can relate - you find a deck online that you are drawn to, that you MUST have. You order, wait patiently (ok maybe not too patient) stalk the mail man on delivery day and then you open the package and instantly deflate. Check out my response to the Gothic Tarot by Joseph Vargo. Oracle cards. What are they? How do they work? How are they different from tarot, and how do you use them? These are the sorts of questions I’ve been hearing ever since I picked up my first deck of oracle cards. If you have those same questions then click Read More to learn about these unique decks. As more and more people get interested in tarot there is also an increase of artist who feel moved to create their own deck. So what do you do when you have a great idea and you want to share it with the world? Keep reading for information about crowdfunding your creation. 10 years ago, heck, even 5 years ago cell phones were still evolving. Back then you likely had a simple design, but now that phones are virtually mini computers it is only natural that the tarot world took notice and began to use that. Here are some of my favorite tarot apps: Fairytales have a way of capturing our imaginations from the time that we are small children. When we grow up fairytales fall away or we learn the dark origins of beloved tales. What happens when those dark tales get turned into a tarot deck? Lately it seems like everyone has something to say about black oppression, white privilege, the unfairness of the Civil War, etc... Just a couple weeks ago there was an uproar in several of the tarot groups that I am a member of about a deck with an unusual name: The Ghetto Tarot
So why do I think this is one of the most soulful decks that I have seen? Click read more to hear about this deck from one of it's creators Alice Smeets. |
Eva Sawyer24 years of tarot experience, 20 years experience as a mom, and a lifetime of knowledge is just rattling around in here!