Have you ever heard of or attempted to keep a gratitude journal? Maybe this is a new approach for you, but if you give it a go, you'll be hooked and want to keep writing down things you're grateful for every day. What exactly is a gratitude journal? You may be exceedingly cheerful and in love with life on certain days. On other days, it appears like there is simply too much to cope with. In any case, a gratitude notebook can assist us in moving forward. It becomes a daily reminder of the things in our life for which we are grateful. How does it function? There is no set formula or method for creating a gratitude diary. It's as simple as purchasing a spiral ring or another notebook for as little as $1, a euro or a pound, as well as a pen or pencil. Choose a time of day that works best for you. It should be a period when you can ponder on the world around you without interruption. How do I get started? Find a quiet place and a quiet time to sit. I like to begin my day by writing in my journal, but I know others who prefer to end the day by meditating on the positives that they encountered. It is critical to remember that this is not a typical journal that dumps all of one's worries for the day. This is a journal that provides you with the discipline and chance to focus on the good aspects of your experience. I try to find at least eight things to be grateful for each day, which may be too much or too little for you. Write as much as you like but I find having a little numbered list is always helpful. What if I can't think of anything to be grateful for? You might make a mental checklist to evaluate for stuff you wish to acknowledge for the day. It may be as simple as observing the daffodils bloom for the first time in your garden in the spring. It might be for an inspiring sermon you heard at your place of worship or a great podcast you discovered online. It might be because of the unexpected assistance provided by a neighbour, friend or even stranger. It may be to hear the birds singing to each other when the sun rises. It might be because you enjoy the feel of smooth cloth against your skin. It may be for a youngster who was furious with the world to giggle. I thank my warm bed for keeping me cosy and the shower for the amazing healing waters. Just write whatever feels right from the tiniest thing to the boldest and biggest! Who could benefit from keeping a gratitude journal?
Almost every member of the family might benefit from a gratitude journal. Consider providing each member of the family a notebook or assisting everyone in choosing a notebook for his or her journal. Those that are artistic might have pleasure customising the cover of their journal. Even a four-year-old could create a daily entry by sketching a picture for the day. Perhaps you have a family member who will express their appreciation through poetry or rap. Another family member might choose to use images to document their daily gratitude - photos of a place or animal or loved one for example. What are the advantages of keeping a gratitude journal? Many successful people keep a gratitude diary. What you put your attention to in life is what you get. If you continuously focus on the bad, you will continue to get negativity. By maintaining this notebook, you are forcing yourself to sit and ponder without interruption at least once a day, on good things to appreciate, even if it is only for 5 minutes. It increases your awareness of your surroundings and makes you more observant. This gratitude diary might also help you get in a good mood. It takes discipline to begin a new behaviour. Commit to writing in the notebook every day for at least 21 days to make it a habit and something you can truly benefit from. According to experts, it takes 21 days to form a new habit. These diaries may be a wonderful method to improve family communication. Maybe once a week, each family member might bring his or her journal to dinner and share a couple of entries from the previous week that meant a lot to them. If you’re having a real off day and feel as though you don’t have anything to be thankful for, then be thankful that you kept a journal and look back over the pages of previous entries to remind yourself how thankful and lucky you are! We have some fantastic notebooks in a variety of themes in the shop - you can check them out here:
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Eva Sawyer24 years of tarot experience, 20 years experience as a mom, and a lifetime of knowledge is just rattling around in here!