Online readings? Are those really a thing? Turns out yes, they really are. It is widely accepted that chat and phone readings are ok, but when you mention email readings people tend to be skeptical. Here is how online readings work - and why they might just be the best thing ever. First let's dig into the process of getting an online reading, and then we will break down the benefits of getting your reading via email. Note: this is my process, others may be different.
Email readings are generally between 300 and 700 words (based on reading with the picture attached to the bottom. The PDF version (also emailed directly to you) is several pages long and has a certain structure to it. It also includes the pictures within the document. It also includes the reflection quote in graphic form to allow you to print it out and place it somewhere that you can see it often. MP3 recordings are generally between 5-15 minutes depending on reading - these are uploaded to my Dropbox and I will send a link to access them.
FINAL THOUGHTS: There are a number of reasons why an email reading can be beneficial. For most people the convenience that it offers is the top reason. You do not have to worry about scheduling time into your busy life, you don't have to worry about making it to a shop only during certain hours. etc.. Another key factor is privacy. Here where I live it is highly religious, and people don't always want to be seen getting a reading and facing judgement. I have seen this with tarot and also even in mental health - we don't want people to make snap judgements about us. By getting your reading performed online you also have a much better pool of readers to choose from. Here in NM there are 2 readers within a 100 mile radius - what happens if your only choices happen to be too expensive or no good? Online you can choose a reader from ANY place on earth. It also has an added benefit of allowing me to meet and interact with people of all different ages, races, cultures and countries. An email reading also tends to be more accurate. Readers who are empathic may get overloaded by nervous energies, or outside factors that distract from the reading. Rather then being limited to a set amount of time for your reading, where you may not get everything answered that you want you have the benefit of getting your question answered regardless of how long it takes me to do it. I have had readings that have taken me ten minutes and others that have taken three hours. Allowing me the extra time after the reading also allows me to polish the reading and make sure that it makes sense and flows rather then being a rambling flow of consciousness. Many times if you visit a reader live or even on the phone you are not allowed to take notes or to record the session. After you are finished you may be left wondering "What did she say about XYZ" ? With an email delivered reading you have a tangible thing that you can print out, refer back to it over and over. This allows you to have a reading that has a much bigger impact on your life and your path. CONCLUSION: I hope that this email has helped you to better understand how email readings work and what makes them a great choice when getting a reading. If you feel like I have missed anything, or you need clarification please comment below and I will address it.
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Eva Sawyer24 years of tarot experience, 20 years experience as a mom, and a lifetime of knowledge is just rattling around in here!