Our next entry in the Q&A Sessions series is about multiple readings - another question that I get a lot. Keep reading for my thoughts on this, as well as how to get your own questions answered. If you get a personal reading from one reader that doesn't resonate with you, and you then get several other readings that say something different then how do you know which reading to trust? Dear Confused in California, You are not the first to ask this, so thank you for taking the time to submit it. It will be very helpful to others. First, let me address the biggest issue that I see right off the bat. You stated that after the first reading that you went and had SEVERAL others and they said something different. To most readers this is what we call "shopping around". A person goes into a reading knowing what they want to hear, and continue to visit readers until they get an answer that they WANT to hear - rather then what they NEED to hear. Ideally you should not be getting several readings in a short period of time about the same issues or you'll find that it just leaves you feeling even more lost and confused. That being said, I frequently tell my clients that every reader is different, and therefore my interpret what they see in different ways. It is called a filter system. So what does that mean? Imagine that you are taking a class with 10 other people. At the end of the class the teacher asks all of you to write down three things that you remember. Every person is going to have a different list. Maybe Tommy in the front row has a better head for numbers and so he remembers several key dates. Jane reacts to things on a more emotional level so maybe she remembers events that really highlighted people struggling. They all "saw" the same lecture, but their brains keyed in on different aspects based on their strengths and what resonates with them. This doesn't mean that they are wrong, only that they picked up something that you may not have. When you get a reading you should ideally choose a reader who is going to give you some sort of record of the reading - MP3 recording, PDF, video... that you can refer back to. What doesn't resonate with you right now you might look back on in a week, a month, etc.. and go "Oh wow! That's what that meant!" But all that aside you are always welcome to take from a reading what resonates with you and leave the rest. My best advice to you is to get no more then two readings on the same subject in a month. Take both readings and set them aside for a couple of days. Come back to them both and see if your opinion has changed any. Maybe both are right, maybe both are wrong. Often it is hard to say " I should trust reading A" or "I should trust reading B" immediately - reflection is usually needed. However, if a reading is clearly wildly wrong (They tell you your husband is cheating and you aren't even married) then I would not choose that reader again. The best thing to do is to read a reader's reviews. If a lot of clients are saying that they are spot on maybe there is something that you are missing or not seeing. Don't be afraid to ask a reader to clarify something if it doesn't make sense.
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Eva Sawyer24 years of tarot experience, 20 years experience as a mom, and a lifetime of knowledge is just rattling around in here!