Learning the tarot isn't just about memorizing a bunch of keywords and then winging it. It involves your personal feelings and interpretations of a card as well. But if you aren't writing these things down you are really doing yourself a disservice. Click read more to learn more about starting your own tarot journal.
Getting Started on your Tarot Journal Your first step will be to decide what format you would like your Tarot Journal to be. If you prefer hand-writing your journal, you can either purchase a blank notebook or a specially designed Tarot Journal such as Ari Stone’s Daily Spread Tarot and Oracle Journal. Alternatively, you may like to store your Tarot Journal on your computer or online. Blogs are also becoming increasingly popular and offer the opportunity to share your Tarot Journal with others. A great place to start is with the free Blog tool, WordPress). In addition to your Tarot Journal, you may wish to buy a small notebook to carry around with you, should you have any sudden Tarot insights. It can be terribly frustrating when you have a wonderful idea on the bus (or wherever), and by the time you have gotten home, you have forgotten it! You might also want to purchase a special pen for your journal. Be sure it is one that won’t fade over the years, as it would be terrible to lose all that important information! What to Write in Your Tarot Journal As mentioned previously, you can use your Tarot Journal for the Tarot cards, readings you have done, or spreads you have used or created. When you write about the Tarot cards, there are a number of ways you can do it. You may like to draw a card each morning, reflect on it throughout the day, and write an entry on it during the evening. It doesn’t have to be a new card every day – it could be each three days, each week, etc. Alternatively, you may wish to look at each card in order. For example, begin with the first card of the Major Arcana and move through until you reach the end. It is completely up to you, depending on your tastes and time available. There are a number of aspects you can write upon when looking at the cards. Here are just a few:
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Eva Sawyer24 years of tarot experience, 20 years experience as a mom, and a lifetime of knowledge is just rattling around in here!